Microscopic Organisms : Algae
Algae Medium |
A general growth medium for algae. Supplied steril in pint bottles.
Anabaena |
A filamentous blue-green.
Chlamydomonas |
A common unicellular, motile, green alga.
Chlorella |
A unicellular, nonmotile, planktonic green alga.
Closterium |
A large desmid with gypsum granules that exhibit Brownian movement.
Cosmarium |
A common desmid
Diatoms |
A mixture of several genera.
Euglena |
A flagellate exhibiting both plant and animal characteristics.
Gloecapsa |
A blue-green whose cells are enclosed in a gelatinous sheath.
Gonium |
Cells form square plates
Green Algae |
A planktonic mixture. Typically sold by the pint. |
$12.54 | |||||||||||||||
Hydrodictyon |
The familiar water net
Mix Flagellates |
Mixture of 6 available flagellated algaes. |
$16.09 | |||||||||||||||
Mixed Algae |
A mixture of more than six common pond water algae. Customizable for up to 6 available algea's of your choice. Mixture's of over six items, add $1.00 per item
Nostoc |
Trichomes are numerous and twisted within a gelatinous envelope or ball.
Oscillatoria |
The common filamentous blue-green
Pandorina |
A spherical colony with compact pear shaped cells
Pediastrum |
Cells form circular plates.
Scenedesmus |
Our species has two to four cells arranged in a single row with spines on the terminal cells.
Spirogyra |
A common filamentous green with spiral shaped chloroplasts
Volvox |
A large colonial flagellate.