Microscopic Organisms : Bacteria
Bacteria are sold only to schools. We start your cultures from our stocks and ship them when we see growth (usually a day or two). Molds take a few extra days to produce spores. Order well in advance to allow for this. We supply our cultures on agar slants in screw cap tubes unless you specify broth or agar plates. Our agar slant cultures remain viable for a month or more at room tempurature with the caps slightly loosened. Incubators must be carefully regulated, or they can shorten the lives of or destroy your cultures. For most investigations we do not recommend their use. These species grow well at room tempurature.
Aerobacter aerogenes |
A gram-rod
Agrobacterium tumefaciens |
B-6, causes crown gall in plants
Bacillus Cereus |
A spore forming rod.
Bacillus Megatarium |
Bacillus Mycoides |
Bacillus Subtilis |
Corynebacterium Xerose |
Escherichia Coli |
Haloferax Volcanii |
Please specify if you would like this cultured on a plate or slant when ordering. Please order in adavnce as this is a slow growing bacteria.
Micrococcus Luteus |
Micrococcus Roseus |
Proteus Vulgaris |
Pseudomonas Fluorescens |
Rhodospirillum Rubrum |
Sarcina Lutea |
Serratia Marcescens |
Staphylococcus Epidermidis |